Finding discount auto insurance in Florida or any other state is dependent on many factors. Some are within your control while others are not. The key is to manage those factors you can control so those you can’t do not break the bank. It is possible to save money on auto insurance, even if you don’t have the best track record as a driver. A little knowledge coupled with the ambition to shop around to find the best deal, and you can save plenty. Remember, these savings add up month after month, year after year.
Where to Start Saving on Auto Insurance
If you are new to auto insurance or never really shopped heartily for it, you will need to know where to start. The best thing you can do for yourself is some preliminary background research. It’s simple to research that can be done quickly online. Just take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the different types of auto insurance coverage. The most common policies are liability, collision, and comprehensive. Living in Florida, you will also need to understand personal injury protection (PIP) as it is a requirement. You may also want to include uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage as an option. How this helps, is that understanding policies will allow you to get the coverage you need without paying for things you don’t need.
Common Discounts to Save Big Bucks
Auto insurance companies offer a great variety of discounts. While they may differ from company to company, there are some common discounts. These are usually the ones that save you the most money. Of course, good drivers—those that have gone a specific period of time without an accident or traffic violation—get a large discount. If you bundle your policies to include homeowners insurance Florida and other lines of insurance you may need, you can get a discount on all those policies. Having multiple vehicles on the same policy can also get you a well-sized discount. If you stay with the same company for a year or more, you may be in line for a nice loyalty discount.
Discounts You May Not Realize Exist
There are also discounts that many shoppers do not realize exist. Companies may give you a discount for your occupation. If you are a farmer or government employee, you can surely find several companies that will give you a discount on your auto insurance. Other occupations may qualify you for lower rates as well. Did you know that some insurance companies offer discounts to those that belong to certain organizations? AARP, AAA, your college alumni association, even where your bank can get you a discount. Good students can get a sizable discount. If you pay your premiums in full rather than in monthly installments, you can save. You may even save by having your premiums deducted straight from your bank account.
Things to Work on for Future Savings
If you are missing out on some discounts now, you can work toward qualifying for them in the future. Start the clock on good driving and before you know it, you’ll qualify for a good driver discount. If your child raises their grades over the course of a year, that hefty good student discount can show up on your policy. Your credit is also important to get a better auto insurance rate. If you raise your score, you can lower your rates. If you are considering switching vehicles in the future, go after a vehicle that is cheaper to insure. Getting a safe vehicle with good security features, good gas mileage, and a smaller engine can drastically cut your rates.