Choosing your auto insurance agency, purchasing suitable insurance coverage, meeting state requirements and coverage amount for your automobile is crucial and possibly overwhelming. While insurance carriers underwrite many policies, each agency differs on the service, quality, price, and many other characteristics. Each owner holds distinctive preferences to consider when selecting the best car auto insurance agency. You need to consider several factors during the decision-making process- availability of insurer discounts, vehicle type, agency’s financial strength, Age of the driver on the policy, and customer service reviews and ratings. To help choose the best automobile insurance agency, this article briefly explains each agency’s benefits and strengths.
Top Five Best Automobile Insurance Agencies
When narrowing down the top car or automobile insurance agencies, you may find it beneficial to consider a few factors other than just the average annual premiums and discounts. So here are the top five insurance agencies that meet the criteria-
1. Amica
Amica is one of the few insurance providers that offer the owners and drivers an option to receive up to 20 percent back on their annual premiums through dividends. The dividends policy benefits include flexible dividend payment options and lowers your long-term policy costs, typically ranging from five percent to 20 percent of the annual premiums.
Amica policyholders hold the benefit to apply the dividends to future year’s premiums. Besides the annual premiums, Amica offers personal service, billing flexibility, and direct contact. Amica holds one of the best overall customer satisfaction scores based on the 2020 J.D. Power Auto Claims Satisfaction Study combined with its NAIC complaint index rating.
2. State Farm
State Farm retains the largest auto insurance agency. The most prominent private passenger car insurance writer in the U.S. State Farm possesses 16 percent of the total available market. The agency also offers the cheapest car insurance rates in most parts of the U.S.State Farm. It provides a mobile app that allows the driver to manage their insurance bills and policies and directly contact them, although policyholders may prefer in-person interactions. The insurance agency comprises more than 19,000agents across the nation.
In addition to the available discounts for good driving and accident-free incidents, the agency maintains lower rates on average, even during the case of an accident. This makes the insurance agency one of the best car and automobile insurance agencies for drivers to improve their driving record or habits.
USAA is highly recommended as this insurance agency offers military- and veteran-specific coverage or discounts and builds its insurance policies entirely around these service members’ needs. USAA offers car auto insurance policies across the country for veterans, military professionals, and their eligible family members. USAA members receive benefits beyond generally low rates and provide a SafePilot program for members to track safe driving with an earned discount of 30 percent at the end of the insurance policy term and are applicable during renewal.
USAA’s core focus states that the policies can also take care of the members during deployment and are eligible to receive discounts for garaging a vehicle on a military base. When the member’s children meet the eligibility criteria, they can receive up to a ten percent discount covered for at least three years. Policies are also written to consider the sudden and unexpected military-life changes that may affect the insurance policy. USAA ranks highly across several financial strength rating scales, which are all credits to its ability to make timely claim payouts.
4. Geico
Geico insurance agency is available to drivers nationwide and provides one of the best mobile policy-management apps. Geico offers insurance in over 50 states across the U.S and Washington D.C and insures more than 24 million vehicles. Geico holds five categories of auto insurance discounts, each of which comprises two or more discount offerings. The insurance agency also offers discounts and policies for military members and federal employees for eligible members to save more than ten percent on premiums or individual coverages.
Geico’s original customer base comprises the vast U.S. government employees and military personnel. However, it has now expanded to include people in the private sector. Geico’s mobile apps provide the best user experience compared to its competitors and allow policyholders to access mobile ID cards, vehicle service history, overall safety updates, roadside assistance, vehicle damage estimates, and more. Geico is considered the top four car auto insurance agencies for its easy shopping experience, low rates, and national availability.
5. Nationwide
Nationwide is located in 46 states and Washington, D.C, and is a platform for drivers to improve their road skills. Nationwide offers optional coverage for accident forgiveness and personalized savings with their SmartMiles and SmartRide programs. Nationwide offers several verticals, including commercial lines, personal lines, and financial services.
Nationwide’s SmartRide program helps eligible members save up to 40 percent for a safe drive and an additional 10 percent for members who sign up. Similarly, the SmartRide program allows the members to track the driver’s distance and provides flexible premiums based on the vehicle usage.
Nationwide comprises a motto called “On Your Side” that influences how the policies and premiums are determined and how auto insurance claims are handled. The insurance provider also recommends members get an annual check-up to ensure policyholders comprehend the benefits and declarations and updates with adequate coverage, new discounts, or changes to keep the premiums steady. Among this list of the largest car insurance providers and agencies, Nationwide offers the best deals for members and customers looking to bundle their auto insurance policies.
Car auto insurance is required by law in most states. It covers auto liability coverage during accidents or calamities. It helps pay for covered losses, such as the other party’s medical bills and damage to their vehicle or other property that results from the accident. However, there are several factors to consider before you choose the appropriate car auto insurance agencies. We have mentioned the top five insurance agencies based on their strengths and beneficiaries to aid your choice during selection.